教师信息 | ||||
姓名 | 陈以农 | 学历学位 | 研究生,博士 | |
工作时间 | 1984年8月 | 行政职务 | ||
毕业学校 | 德国卡斯鲁尔大学 | 职称 | 主任讲师、博士生导师 | |
办公电话 | ||||
专业学习简历 | ||||
1977.9 至1981.7,重庆大学,自动控制专业,本科 1981.9至1984.7,重庆大学,计算机软件专业,硕士研究生 1988.9 至1993.7,德国卡斯鲁尔大学,博士研究生 1995至1996,法国科学院计算体系结构所,博士后研究 | ||||
教学工作任务 | ||||
计算机科学与工程导论,算法设计. | ||||
主要科研教学成果 | ||||
1. Yinong Chen, Gennaro De Luca: VIPLE: Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language Environment for Computer Science Education. IPDPS Workshops 2016: 963-971. 2. Yinong Chen, Zhizheng Zhou: “Robot as a Service in Computing Curriculum”. ISADS 2015: 156-161. 3. Yinong Chen, Zhizheng Zhou, Service-Oriented Computing and Software Integration in Computing Curriculum, IPDPS Workshops 2014, pp. 1091-1098. 4. Yinong Chen, Wei-Tek Tsai, “Service-Orientation in Computing Curriculum” In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), Irvine, CA, December 12-14, 2011, pp.122-133. 5. Yinong Chen, Assuring Mobile Physical Services for the New Generation of Networks, Panel Paper, in 10th International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN), Hiroshima, March 2011, pp.585-588. 6. Yinong Chen, Zhihui Du, and Marcos Garcia-Acosta, M., Robot as a Service in Cloud Computing, In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), Nanjing, June 4-5, 2010, pp.151-158. 7. Yinong Chen, Sabnis, A., and Garcia-Acosta, Design and Performance Evaluation of a Service-Oriented Robotics Application In Proceedings of the 2009 29th IEEE international Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, Montreal, June 22 - 26, 2009, pp.292 - 299. 8. Yinong Chen, S. Abhyankar, L. Xu, W.T. Tsai, Marcos Garcia-Acosta, Developing a Security Robot in Service-Oriented Architecture, 12th IEEE Internal Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS), Kunming, China, Oct. 21-23, 2008, pp. 106-111. 9. Yinong Chen, Xiaoying Bai, On Robotics Applications in Service-Oriented Architecture, The 28th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ADSN Workshops, pp. 551-556. 10. Gennaro De Luca, Yinong Chen: Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language in Pi-Calculus. ISADS 2017: 23-30. 11. Ye Tao, Xiaodong Wang, Xiaowei Xu, Yinong Chen: Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Container-Based Service Computing. ISADS 2017: 61-67. 12. Min Huang, Yandong Bai, Yinong Chen, Bo Sun: A Distributed Proactive Service Framework for Crowd-Sensing Process. ISADS 2017: 68-74. 13. Yuehai Wang, Yinong Chen, Xiaofan Tong, Yubo Lee, Jianyi Yang: Robot as a Service in Information Science & Electronic Engineering Education. ISADS 2017: 223-228.
二、主编和参编著作 1. Y. Chen, Service-Oriented Computing and System Integration: Software, IoT, Big Data, and AI as Services, 6th Edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2018. 2. Y. Chen, Introduction to programming languages: Programming in C, C++, Scheme, Prolog, C#, and SOA, 5th edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2017. 3. Y. Chen, W.T. Tsai, Service-Oriented Computing and Web Software Integration, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 5th Edition, 2015. 4. Y. Chen, W.T. Tsai, Introduction to Programming Languages: Programming in C, C++, Scheme, Prolog, C#, and SOA, 4th edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2014. 5. Y. Chen, W.T. Tsai, Service-Oriented Computing and Web Data Management, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2010. 6. Y. Chen, W.T. Tsai, Distributed Service-Oriented Software Development, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2008. 7. Y. Chen, Introduction to Programming Languages: Principles, C, C++, Scheme, and Prolog, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2003. Yinong Chen, Fusion of Technologies , in book: Concept-Oriented Research and Development in Information Technology, Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management, edited by Kinji Mori, pp. 93-108, 2014. 8. Xiaoying Bai, Yongbo Wang, Guilan Dai, Wei-Tek Tsai, Yinong Chen, A Framework for Contract-Based Collaborative Verification and Validation of Web Services, in Book Component-Based Software Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, July 2007, pp. 258-273, ISBN 978-3-540-73550-2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73551-9_18. 9. R. Paul , W.T. Tsai, Y. Chen, C. Fan, Z. Cao, H. Huang, E2E Testing and Evaluation of High Assurance Systems , in book Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics , edited by Hoang Pham, Springer-Verlag, London, 2006, pp. 443-476, ISBN: 978-1-85233-806-0, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-288-1_24. 10. Book Chapter: Yinong Chen and Gennaro De Luca, Robot as a Service and its visual programming environment, Autonomous Decentralized Systems and their applications in Intelligent Infrastructure, Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management, edited by Kinji Mori, to appear in 2019. 三、项目资助 1. Funding Agent: Intel Corporate Affairs Group, Oregon. 2. PI: Y. Chen 3. PI: W.T. Tsai, CO-PI: Y. Chen, , 4. PI: W.T. Tsai, CO-PI: Y. Chen, 5. PI: W.T. Tsai, CO-PIs: Y. Chen, Y-H. Lee, J. Collofello, G. Bitter, D. Miron 6. I am a CO-PI of this interdisciplinary project: ASU K-12 Innovation: Embodied Science Learning in the Community, Sponsored by Science Foundation of Arizona, Award Amount: $ 1,808,025, Award Period: 6/1/2007 - 5/31/2010. Within the project, I taught the Summer Robotics Camps for K-12 Teachers in the summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. 7. PI: Y. Chen 8. PI: Y. Chen: 9. PIs: W.T. Tsai and Y. Chen: |