

1刘国秀QSDB: An Encrypted Database Model for Privacy-Preserving in Cloud ComputingKSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS一类SCI刘国秀
2刘国秀A Novel Secure Scheme for Supporting Complex SQL Queries over Encrypted Databases in Cloud ComputingSecurity and Communication Networks一类SCI刘国秀
3张巧云MATR: A Mobility-Aware Topology Restructuring Scheme for Bluetooth Body Area NetworksJournal of Internet Technology一类SCI张巧云
4姚光顺Using imbalance characteristic for fault-tolerant workflow scheduling in cloud systemIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems一类SCI姚光顺
5于红利Passive Human Trajectory Tracking Study in Indoor Environment with CSIInternational Conference on Networking and Network Applications一类EI于红利
6赵瑞斌Classifying airborne LiDAR point clouds via deep features learned by a multi-scale convolutional neural networkInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science一类SSCI SCI赵瑞斌
7赵瑞斌Accurate extraction of building roofs from airborne light detection and ranging point clouds using a coarse-to-fine approachJournal of Applied Remote Sensing一类SCI赵瑞斌
8赵瑞斌Robust shape extraction for automatically segmenting raw LiDAR data of outdoor scenes International Journal of Remote Sensing一类SCI赵瑞斌
9马丽生Blocking probability analysis for optical banyan networks with link failureIEEE Transactions on Communications一类SCI马丽生
10马丽生Heterogeneous data backup against early warning disasters in geo-distributed data center networksIEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking一类SCI 马丽生
12黄晓玲Microblog oriented interest extraction with both content and network structureIntelligent Data Analysis一类SCI王浩2(通讯作者)
13杨斌On the packet delivery delay study for three-dimensional mobile ad hoc networksad hoc networks一类SCI王武2(通讯作者)
14杨斌Generalized Cooperative Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Transactions on TVT一类SCI杨斌
15马润聪Hierarchical CSI-Fingerprint Classification for Passive Multiperson LocalizationJournal of Information Science & Engineering一类SCI马润聪
16温卫敏Cooperative Data Collection Mechanism using Multiple Mobile Sinks in WSNsSensors一类SCI温卫敏
17刘晓兰Full-view barrier coverage in mobile camera sensor networkswireless network一类SCI刘晓兰
19胡晓静基于BPEL-PN 的服务组合流程合理性验证研究湖北工程学院学报三类
